Hey folks, welcome back to The Daily Evolver! It’s good to be with you again.

Today’s episode was initiated by my Integral colleagues, Nomali Perera and Lee Mason of Practical Integral, who invited me to share my thoughts at the end of another year in the human adventure.

The integral lens reveals a fundamental force in cultural development: the struggle between worldviews. In 2022 we saw this struggle play out in a geopolitical context, with the events in Ukraine, China and Iran. We saw it within our culture through the battles over covid, gender and race. And we can experience it individually as we grow into integral consciousness and are able to embrace multiple worldviews.

Unfortunately, growth is painful and suffering seems to be a feature at every stage. That’s where this episode begins – but not where it ends. Enjoy!

Jeff Salzman

PS – Over my break, I got more involved in posting on Twitter, and I invite you to “follow” me there @dailyevolver. I’ve found Twitter to be quite stimulating and conducive to providing quick integral insights on current events. Indeed, my next episode will be about Twitter and its new owner, the spiral wizard Elon Musk. Stay tuned!